jeudi 20 octobre 2011

La fin du séjour France!


Enfin, après trois semaines en France, notre petite famille française a retourné! Pour trois semaines nous avons mangé délicieux cuisine française (les baguettes, les crêpes, les tartes, les fromages, et bien sûr, beaucoup d’escargot!) et nous avons visité plusieurs sites fameuses (la tour Eiffel, le Champs Elysée, des monuments australienne de la premier guerre mondial, la maison de Claude Monet et beaucoup d’autres). Une expérience très inoubliable était le séjour avec les familles de notre correspondantes française et presque les deux semaines que nous sommes allées à une école française avec leur. Merci beaucoup Mademoiselle Dawson et Madame Buchanan pour votre assistance pendant les dernier trois semaines!  

Finally, after three weeks in France, our little french family returned! For three weeks we ate delicious french food (baguettes, crepes, tartes, cheeses and of course lots of snails!) and we visited many famous sights (the eiffel tour, the Champs Elysee, australian monuments of WW1, the house of Claude Monet and many others). An unforgettable experience was the stay with the families of our french correspondents and nearly the two weeks we went to school with them. Thank you so much to Mademoiselle Dawson and Madame Buchanan for your help during the last three weeks!


jeudi 13 octobre 2011

Friday, and I have a bruise.

Salut! C'est Matilda et Je vous écris de Berry-Bouy (a pretty town, just outside of Bourges, sorry, don't know how to write that a la francais). France est tres belle avec la jolie campagne et magnifique monuments.
Well, about the title, I sortof got run over by a speed skater at iceskating yesterday. It is now turning into a black eye :L 
Today I found out that I can't go to Isoudon. Damn. 
Not really much else to report, except I cannot wait to go home!

mercredi 12 octobre 2011

salut, je m'appelle shayna et j'habite en australie.

Au'jourd hui, c'est mercredi et l'ecole fini à 12 heure; donc je suis allée aux patinoire avec Tilly, Hannah, Gabby, Grace, Sophie, Lauren & our french correspondants :) C'etait trés bien, mais trés froid.
We all fell over at least once ;) and took lots of photos! We also did a conga line on the ice :) 

There were many other kids at the rink. There were some little kids that were really good at skating and were doing heaps of tricks. Everyone here can skate really well!
Some of our girls hadn't been ice skating before, but we all got on the ice and had so much fun!
At the end of the day, our feet were really sore and cold.
Overall, it was a good day :)

by Shayna Siakimotu :)

lundi 10 octobre 2011


sur le weekend, '{je suis aller deux le chateaus}. c'etait magnifique!! ( i can't remember the names) the second castle we went to was sur la cher riviere. each castle had its own speciality! they were both very beautiful:) for each meal, lucie's family want me to try all or most of the specialities of France. for example, at christmas they have raw salmon and toast with butter, and every january they have a cake which is more like a pie and the youngest family member hides under the table and says aloud who gets each piece which is cut. there is also a bean in the cake and whoever gets it is the king/queen for the meal and he or she has to pick a king/queen:) its a really cool tradition, although we didnt do it because there wasnt a bean in the cake.
So thats all for now, see you all tomorrow
Lauren xx
{was that sentence right?}

dimanche 9 octobre 2011

Sunday in Bourges/Dimanche dans Bourges

Sunday was cold and raining for most of the day. 
We all spent the day with our host families  mostly seeing Bourges. 
At the end of the day, a few of us got together to watch 'LOL' a French movie.
Many of us do not have school until 1pm tomorrow so we'll get a good sleep in.

Dimanche c'était froid et il pleuvait. nous avons tous passé la journée avec nos familles d'accueil et visité Bourges. a la fin de la journée, nous nous sommes retrouvés pour regarder e film français 'LOL'. Beaucoup d'entre nous n'ont pas école demain avant 13 heures alors no allons bien dormir.



Je m'appelle Sophie. J'ai 14 ans et je suis en classe 9 au Daramalan College. En ce moment, je suis à Bourges.
i spent today wandering Chenonceau château, it was very beautiful. the castle was located in Chenonceau which is in the département Indre-et-Loire. the people here are so friendly and i am having an amazing time. i have become very good friends with my host sister and the rest of my host family. c'est mignon !!! i am having an amazing time!
-Sophie Finney

vendredi 7 octobre 2011

Friday, 7th Octobre; 2011

Bonjour amigos,
C'est Grace. Aujourd'hui est vendredi. Il fait froid.
^^ they are my 3 sentences ^^
Well, today was relatively long and I think most of you will agree with me on that. But, thankfully, it hasn't rained... yet. From what I gathered pretty much everyone got to sleep in today... which was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G... and I'm sure that everyone is exicted about going places on the weekend... I'd just like to say good luck to eveyone and I will see you on Monday!!!

grace :)

mercredi 5 octobre 2011


Nous sommes allée au l'ecole sur mardi et auj'hourd hui. C'est trés différente to Daramalan.
Some people start at 8am, others at 10am. Some students also come to school on Saturdays!

Classes are very full on. Hardly any sutdent talks, they just listen, and write down whatever the teacher says. Very different to Australia.

At lunchtime, the students can choose to go home for lunch, to a restaurant, or eat in the cafeteria. Yesterday, I ate in the cafeteria. It was a new and weird experience, but I liked it :)

Overall, the school life in Bourges is very different to Australia, in many ways.

Shayna :)
p.s. I am not sure that my French is entirely correct, sorry!

Nous sommes en France!

Aujourd'hui est notre 7ième jour en France, et beaucoup de choses ont déjà passé. Les premiers quatre jours nous étions à Paris. J'adore Paris! Après 22 heures en avion nous sommes allées immédiatement à Versailles, un château avec la luxe incroyable. J'ai pris peut-être trop des photos, mais c'était vraiment joli.

Le deuxième jour nous avons marché. Et marché, et marché. Plus que 10 kilométres! Nous avons vu Le Louvre, Le Cathédral de Notre-Dame, L'Arc de Triomphe (Après que nous avons fait les magisins aux Champs-Elysées bien sûr!), Le Tour Eiffel et finalement nous avons fait un tour sur la Seine au Bateau-Mouche. Nous étions fatigué mais c'était un jour de souvenir.

Tous nos jours en Paris étaient génial, dans le mignon auberge MIJE Fourcy près du Métro. Nous avons fait encore les autres jours, mais je pense que ça va maintenant. Je vais manger du pain délicieux maintenant, alors, à bientôt!


Today was our 7th day in France, and so much has already happened. the first four days we were in Paris. I love Paris! After 22 hours on the plane we went straight to Versailles, a châteu with incredible luxury. I think I may have taken too many photos, but it was so pretty.

The second day we walked. And walked and walked: More than 10km! We saw the Louvre, Notre-Dame, L'Arc de Triomphe (After doing a bit of shopping on the Champs-Elysées, of course!), the Eiffel Tower and finally we went on a tour of the Seine river on A Bateau-Mouche. We were very tired but it was a day to remember.

Every day in Paris was amazing, in the cute MIJE Fourcy hostel near the Metro. We did more things on the other days, but I think that's enough for now. Now I'm off to eat some delicious French bread, see you soon!


mardi 4 octobre 2011

Nous sommes arrivées à Bourges!!!

Alors, hier; nous sommes arrivées ici à Bourges. On était en avance, même si on a pris le mauvais train de la mauvaise gare à Paris!

Aujourd'hui on va faire un tour de Bourges avec un copain (ou une copine - j'oublie) de Mme. Monique Francesch.

I will give the girls this information for the blog and they will start to add their own French and English entries... with some pictures and stories from Paris as well.