lundi 10 octobre 2011


sur le weekend, '{je suis aller deux le chateaus}. c'etait magnifique!! ( i can't remember the names) the second castle we went to was sur la cher riviere. each castle had its own speciality! they were both very beautiful:) for each meal, lucie's family want me to try all or most of the specialities of France. for example, at christmas they have raw salmon and toast with butter, and every january they have a cake which is more like a pie and the youngest family member hides under the table and says aloud who gets each piece which is cut. there is also a bean in the cake and whoever gets it is the king/queen for the meal and he or she has to pick a king/queen:) its a really cool tradition, although we didnt do it because there wasnt a bean in the cake.
So thats all for now, see you all tomorrow
Lauren xx
{was that sentence right?}

1 commentaire:

  1. Très bien effort Lauren - la phrase était presque correcte.
    {Je suis allée aux deux chateaux}
    A demain.
