vendredi 7 octobre 2011

Friday, 7th Octobre; 2011

Bonjour amigos,
C'est Grace. Aujourd'hui est vendredi. Il fait froid.
^^ they are my 3 sentences ^^
Well, today was relatively long and I think most of you will agree with me on that. But, thankfully, it hasn't rained... yet. From what I gathered pretty much everyone got to sleep in today... which was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G... and I'm sure that everyone is exicted about going places on the weekend... I'd just like to say good luck to eveyone and I will see you on Monday!!!

grace :)

4 commentaires:

  1. Hello Grace, how are you going? Hope your settling into school nicely,Did you do much site seeing on the weekend ? have you had cool enough clothing? All good here in Toowoomba, we've had some regular rainfall and the nights are warm and pleasant.Work has been busier and days going fast.We went to Janel and Geoff to watch Bathurst Sunday, awesome day to see Tander win in the Holden. Chat soon, Dad.

  2. Hi Grace, this is a test email, hope you are all well. luv Dad.

  3. Hi Grace, its a warm 23c here today, I'm sort of sending these messages and not knowing if you are getting them = awesome.Just saying hi and love you from Dad.

  4. Hello Grace,So today is your last day at school, i look forward to hearing all about your school experience when your back in Oz.Many stories i guess. The next few days look busy for you, i would luv to see Pheasant Wood Cem with you as it would be a very moving visit.We have had some bad hail storms the last few day so we are watching the weather web sites closely. All good hear in T town, Logans 18th this weekend, cannot believe that little rascal is 18 already.. take care Grace and enjoy the experience of a life time. love Dad.+ have fun :-)
